How do I buy?

Cost: Starts from £650

Requires: Purchase order or Credit card payment.

Delivery: Contact Senclude to schedule.


  • Title: 'Inclusive Practice – Design and Delivery for students with a Visual Impairment'.
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Audience:< Lecturers, Faculty leads, Librarians, IT Staff, HR, Student Services, Disability Services, Marketing and others.
  • Maximum number of attendees per session: 12
  • Additional attendee per session costs £50 each.

The Detail

Senclude provides training on themes of inclusive practice intended to meet the needs of Visually Impaired Learners while making these adaptations support mixed ability learning reducing workload while improving accessibility and inclusivity.


Training Aims:
  • Explore barriers to learning, and practices to address these.
  • Review the classroom to support visually impaired students.
  • Identify roles of Assistive Technology, and how to best support its use in the classroom.
  • Recognize the importance of effective communication and the actions needed to support this process.
  • Support the wider student experience in terms of fostering well-being and social engagement.
  • Create accessible and inclusive digital learning materials as part of the differentiation process.
Training Outcomes:
  • Participants will have reviewed themes from this session relevant to session requirements.
  • Most Participants will have participated in developing points of discussion around themes relevant to session requirements.
  • Most Participants will have participated in developing digitally inclusive resources.
  • Some Participants may be able to apply inclusive approaches to adapting or creating digitally inclusive resources.

Contact Senclude

To discuss any of these options simply contactSenclude:


or telephone: 07780 678588