How do I buy it?

Cost: Starts from £450

Requires: Purchase order or Credit card payment.

Delivery: Contact Senclude to schedule.

Title: 'Seeing the SAME'.

  • Audience: All Staff.
  • Duration: 3 hours.
  • Maximum number of attendees per session: 12
  • Additional attendee per session costs £50 each.

Why do it?

Explore and experience themes related to Sight Loss and Visual Impairment with the following:

  • Support – What we can do to support one and other.
  • Accessibility – How we can make changes.
  • Management – Delivery, maintenance and championing inclusivity.
  • Engagement – Communication and how to best interact with one and other.

The Detail

Senclude works with organizations and/or staff to help raise awareness on how to engage in an appropriate and meaningful way with person/s who have a Visual Impairment.

Contact Senclude

To discuss any of these options simply contact Senclude.


or telephone: 07780 678588